21 April 2007

Grand Opening of the Alameda Museum

april 14 2007 01
Originally uploaded by EHop.
The opening of the Alameda had many events that allowed children and adults to get a taste for some Mexican culture. It had a display of conjunto music that photographed many local artist, most of which I did not know, however, I thought it was a nice touch when I could here the conversations of older Mexican-Americans who grew up with the type of music. "Look isn't that ....." "Wow, I'm glad she made it!" "Did you see .... " For some of the museum goers this exhibit was very nostalgic and made me appreciate this type of music even more.
Another exhibit that hey had was on the acutal Alameda Theater. The theater is in walking distance from the Museum. I would have liked for the theater to have gotten a face lift as well, and seen it converted into a museum. The photographs and the posters of the movies that played during the theaters 1940s golden era reminded me of how my father idolized many of those Mexican actors and acresses.
Some of the other exhibits included artifacts on loan from other museums in the Smithonian network. It also included a media show that compared to Cirque du Soliel, left much to me desired. The two-story complex has a nice layout. I hope that as exhibits change, they continue to share the Mexican-American experience not only in San Antonio, but also from around Texas.

1 comment:

Joleen J said...

Nice, Lizardo.
I've been excited to see that new museum. It sounds cool! Thanks for sharing!