04 March 2007

Missing Men

In my mother's pueblo of San Lucas Tecopilco, many of the men both young and old often leave Mexico to find good wages in the United States or Canada. After 6 to 8 months they usually return with their savings.

However, there are towns where the majority of the men leave at the same time and are gone for extended periods. Which begs the question. How do the children manage without male role models? ABC news covered this story on Missing Men in Mexican Towns.

Do you think this creates problem for those communities? If so what do you think can be done to alleviate it.

1 comment:

Dr. Wayne E. Wright said...


Wow, very interesting issue. I've heard that the GNP of several countries are based largely on the amount that relatives in the U.S. send back home. But just the social issues of a town with few men left in is astounding. If you go on for a PhD, could make for an interesting dissertation!

-Dr. Wright

p.s. I love how you're using you blog not just for class purposes, but also important social issues you care deeply about!