Check out the need people have to make it to the U.S.
26 March 2007
Lou Dobbs on Illegal Immigrants
This video exemplefies how the U.S. has always exploited immigrants by paying them low wages.
EGBERT Ch. 9. Limitations, Caveats, and Challenge
The use of Internet always has its caveats in the classroom. Fortunately the district has many sites blocks, but it is not all inclusive. Eggbert talks about how students should be trained to become responsible and close unauthorized sites. Of course students should be monitored at all times.
In addition posting songs or videos to your site may have some legal issues if the the author of such media decides to sue in court. Fortunately there are many sites such as Youtube that allow you to re post the videos onto your blog site, just like the ones I just posted. Another way to bypass this is to have students create their own videos or audio files.
Finally the issue of plagiarism must be address. Eggbert suggest the use of sites such as which suggest methods for discovering plagiarized documents. If the essay does not have the same tone as many of the other works that have been fabricated by students, then it was probably plagiarized.
In addition posting songs or videos to your site may have some legal issues if the the author of such media decides to sue in court. Fortunately there are many sites such as Youtube that allow you to re post the videos onto your blog site, just like the ones I just posted. Another way to bypass this is to have students create their own videos or audio files.
Finally the issue of plagiarism must be address. Eggbert suggest the use of sites such as which suggest methods for discovering plagiarized documents. If the essay does not have the same tone as many of the other works that have been fabricated by students, then it was probably plagiarized.
15 March 2007
Prompt 8
CUMMINS Ch. 3. Assessment
EGBERT Ch. 8. Assessment
The major difference between traditional standardized testing and authentic assessment is the first is a snapshot of student's learning, that is not all ecompassing while in the latter students can demonstrate their learning processes through a variety of formats usually portfolios, speeches, or other media.
Both types of assessments can be computerized. I remember taking the GRE on computer. However, authentic assessments may be more ideal for computer use. With the advent of many types of software students can create powerpoint presentations, slide shows, narrated slide shows, videos or podcast on the topic of choice. It would then be a matter of students following a rubric in order to meet all the criteria required in a given assignment. Eventhough standardized test would be easier to grade with a computers with scores being instant, the authentic assessment would still demonstrate student learning better.
I've toyed with the idea in my head of having students document a science experiment using pictures and putting them together, but I still need to make that leap to implementation. Part of the problem is the lack of materials, and other would be time. Perhaps in the future, this will become a possiblity in my classroom.
05 March 2007
Content-Based Instruction
Eggbert talks about the use of powerpoint and Internet sites to supplement the instruction. Currently I have students working on a "wholistic" ecosystem project. I gave them book resources but also gave them several links to sites that allow to research the different ecosystems further. Students are to report on specific information for the ecosystem they chose (i.e. desert, tundra, grassland, etc.) Before letting students onto the sites, I brought up the sites through a projector that connects to my laptop and modeled for them how to use the site and where to find information. Some students preferred books on the topic over the computer. Projects are due this week, and I can't wait to see what they have discovered.
Another way I have incorporated technology is through the use of kid-friendly sites that are related to the topic of study (fossils, rocks, water cycle). The sites usually have many graphics and can are used to help students understand content better. This year, students seem to remember the Internet site more than the Scott Foresman Science book.
I would like to do more integration of technology. I've got a couple ideas using kidspiration to help supplement an activity center for the students.
04 March 2007
Missing Men
In my mother's pueblo of San Lucas Tecopilco, many of the men both young and old often leave Mexico to find good wages in the United States or Canada. After 6 to 8 months they usually return with their savings.
However, there are towns where the majority of the men leave at the same time and are gone for extended periods. Which begs the question. How do the children manage without male role models? ABC news covered this story on Missing Men in Mexican Towns.
Do you think this creates problem for those communities? If so what do you think can be done to alleviate it.
03 March 2007
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